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IT management software and solutions company CA Technologies announced
Wednesday it is partnering with Tekmark Global Solutions on its new CA Services
Tiered Partner Program.

The program is designed to establish more effective process and structure
for its CA Services partner network members, the Islandia, N.Y.-based company
said in a statement. Partners participating in the program will work directly
with Tekmark Global Solutions to manage operational functions like timekeeping,
payment processing and contract management.

"The expertise of our service partners greatly helps
satisfy a wide range of customer needs," said Adam Elster, general manager
of CA Services at CA Technologies, in a statement.

"We are delighted to work with Tekmark Global Solutions to help our
partner community by taking much of the managerial burden out of the equation.
This program will also provide increased collaboration between partners and CA
Services to help ensure the continued delivery of high-quality implementations
for our customers."

Partner program benefits include having a single point of contact for issue
resolution, reporting and contract management as well as efficient payment for
services and options for accelerated payments. 

"The complexity of managing multiple suppliers can be a
drain on an organization’s time and resources.  Dealing with a single
supplier is more efficient than dealing with hundreds of partner
companies," Guy Del Grande, chief executive
officer of Tekmark Global Solutions, said in a statement. "This expanded
partnership with CA Technologies is an example of how we can provide a
comprehensive approach to address the varied management challenges of our

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