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Is information security a top concern for you? What about your customer’s information security? If the security of your computer network data is your top network-related concern, you are not alone. A new web poll of IT professionals and IT consultants conducted by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) revealed that network data security/information security is the biggest concern for nearly a third – 32.8 percent – of IT pros.

That’s not surprising considering recent high profile cases of data breaches and the accompanying tarnished reputation, embarrassment and loss of customer goodwill.

The second top concern? Human error by network users, cited by 19.6 percent of respondents. Data storage and the ability to hire and keep quality network support staff tied for third place on the list of top concerns. Each was cited by 12.1 percent of web poll respondents, according to CompTIA.

Other concerns included having current network technologies, 6.4 percent; having reliable and secure wireless access, 5.7 percent; and network virtualization, 3.7 percent.

CompTIA said the poll was conducted June 3 through August 25 and drew 934 responses.

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