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Security challenges for organizations are tougher than ever. Old scourges such as malware are taking on new potency as penetration tools and exploit kits are becoming more of a commercial affair, as attack sophistication is increasing through years of the ever-escalating battle of security researcher versus cyber-criminal and as more employees and customers are interacting with the omnipresent Internet in more ways.

What’s worse, the strained economy is putting more pressure on organizations to cut back on the scope of and spending on their security infrastructures. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ 2010 report, “Trial by Fire,” based on its Global State of Information Security Survey (with CIO Magazine and CSO Magazine) of more than 7,200 CEOs, CIOs, chief information security officers, chief financial officers “and other executives responsible for their organization’s IT and security investments in 130 countries,” points to reductions in scope and delayed implementation as the predominant current methods of cost control for security projects.


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