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11. License Software

The last thing RIM should do is make its BlackBerry operating system exclusive. The company’s software is still a solid choice for many enterprise users, and there are a host of companies that want to break into that space. Why not help them by licensing the software?

22. Sell the Hardware Business

RIM’s hardware business is in shambles. But the company’s production apparatus is one of its core strengths. Therefore, the smart idea now in 2012 is to sell the company’s handset business. Granted, it might not get the big premium it would have last year, but who cares? It’s taking the company down.

33. Leverage Patents

With all the patent lawsuits swimming around the mobile market, RIM should take advantage. The company is widely recognized for having one of the strongest portfolios in the business. And to not leverage that and start selling them (for boatloads of cash) to companies that need them would be a mistake.

44. Fire the Co-CEOs

Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie have all but cemented their positions as the most powerful leaders in the mobile market. Even with their company’s decline, they’ve found a way to convince the board of directors that they know what they’re doing. Unfortunately, they don’t. And the time will come early on in 2012 for the board to wake up and finally fire them.

55. Strike a Deal with Microsoft

Microsoft has reportedly considered acquiring RIM, but backed out when it came time to make a bid. Next year, RIM should contact Microsoft to see if the software giant would still consider making a deal.

66. Focus On Services

RIM’s many services, including BlackBerry Enterprise Server and its messaging offerings, are simply outstanding solutions for enterprise users. The only trouble is RIM hasn’t necessarily maximized their value. It’s time for RIM to start bringing its many services to other platforms, and move away from hardware. Its niche is services. And it needs to realize that.

77. Listen to Shareholders

Shareholders have been complaining about RIM and its management for months now. And yet, the company doesn’t appear to hear them. Shareholders are an integral component in what makes a company tick, and to simply ignore them without respecting their ideas is a huge mistake that has already cost the company quite a bit.

88. Head Back to the Enterprise

RIM has tried too hard to appeal to consumers. Enough is enough. Whether it likes it or not, the handset maker is an enterprise product provider. And the sooner it embraces that and starts focusing all of its efforts on that market, the sooner it can improve its standing in the marketplace.

99. Ignore Consumers

At the same time, RIM needs to start ignoring consumer desire. Yes, there are many companies that are generating huge amounts of cash by catering to consumers, but RIM isn’t. Consumers are quickly becoming a major threat to the handset maker as they continue to buy Android- and iOS-based devices. RIM must learn to ignore consumers — or else.

1010. Ignore Apple Too

When will RIM’s management finally realize that RIM will never be Apple? Next year, RIM needs to start making sound business decisions that reflect the realities of its standing in the marketplace. RIM doesn’t need more touchscreens; it needs a new vision that appeals to enterprise users — something that Apple doesn’t do.

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