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OK. So maybe you’re not seeking total world domination, just domination of your world–your market niche. TWD Central has the strategies to get you there. Take a cue from the lesson books of Ziff Davis Channel Zone’s marketing and management specialists.

  • An IT Guide to Market Dominance

  • Don’t let your offering become a commodity with margins so low that you can’t grow your business. Theresa Lina Stevens offers a formula for breaking out of the commodity trap.

  • Five Strategic Marketing Resolutions
  • Wishing for success does not make it so. Theresa Lina presents a roadmap to five critical stops you should make along the way.

  • Add to Your Bottom Line: Teach Techies to Sell

  • Kendra Lee offers a five-point program for tapping a valuable revenue stream that already exists within your company.

  • Five Ways To Win CRM Customers
  • Almost half of all mid-sized companies are evaluating CRM systems. David Myron tells five things you can do to win a piece of that business.

  • How to Survive through Tough Times
  • Christopher Murray has an eight-point plan on where enterprises can add value despite limited manpower and budgets. It applies to their consultants and their clients, as well.

  • How to Retain IT Professionals

  • Job satisfaction is not simply about salary. Dean Lane, senior director of Information Technology at Symantec Corp. and a former CIO, reveals five essential employee management techniques to hold onto good people.

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