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IBM announced eight new social networking and collaboration mobile apps designed to address enterprise-class requirements on tablets.

The new software, available for download today from popular application stores, takes IBM’s industry-leading social networking, real-time collaboration and online meeting capabilities from behind the company firewall and places it into the hands of tablet users.

The new offerings span a range of tablets, including the iPad. The software allows employees to more effectively collaborate and share data, images and conduct meetings on the fly more securely as part of their everyday work experience, IBM said.

IBM introduced new applications, including social networking for iPad, attending online meetings, instant messaging, accessing business documents, reducing calling, and providing easier access to mail and calendar. IBM also released new software for building applications faster and better, and for improving the Web experience for users.

The social networking for iPad is available from the Apple application store at no charge for existing IBM Connections users, the new application includes a new interface ideal for tablet devices and allows for unique document editing capabilities. Meanwhile, employees can attend online meetings from their tablets anytime, anyplace. LotusLive Meeting is available on Android, BlackBerry, iPad and iPhone devices, and users can view shared presentations, chat with meeting participants, and virtually raise and lower hands from tablets and other mobile devices.

IBM Sametime software users can also lead, participate in and manage browser-based meetings from their iPad or Android tablets.

In addition, new mobile applications for iPad and Android enable IBM Sametime users to use tablets to take immediate action on urgent business tasks by providing one-on-one or group instant messaging, background notifications and the ability to send photos through the chat window.

Also available now in application stores, IBM Lotus Symphony Viewers allow mail users to view any Open Document Format-based (ODF-based) document, spreadsheet and presentation on their iPad, iPhone or Android device. And IBM Sametime Unified Telephony on tablets allows a user to initiate calls to whatever phone happens to be nearby by controlling call-routing preferences and device selection as well as have his or her one unified number appear in caller ID.

To read the original eWeek article, click here: IBM Makes iPad, Android Tablets Ready for the Enterprise

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