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1Watson, Match Me Up

Move over, eHarmony and OKCupid. Watson has all the information about what you like, knows the type of people you’ve been attracted to in the past, and can balance it against what you are looking for to find you that perfect date for the weekend or soulmate.

2The Perfect PR Mouthpiece

IBM PR might not have realized that Watson can do their job just as well, if not better. It has access to all kinds of information and can answer questions from reporters promptly and thoroughly. It may be a challenge for companies to teach Watson what not to disclose, but journalists would love that.

3Personal Shopper

A combination of sales engine, e-commerce and decision making, Watson the personal shopper can look at what is currently in your closet, learn what colors flatter your skintone, and make recommendations on what clothes to buy. Hook it up to stores and you can peruse recommended selections at your favorite stores, and with a credit card, it can take care of finalizing the purchase. Fashion police won’t have anything left to do.

4The Perfect Wedding Registry

Amazon is pushing its Universal Wish List and The Knot has its universal Wedding registry. Take it a step further with Watson, which can go through all the registries, take into account what you have given before, the recipient’s style and preferences, and gift style for the perfect gift for the newlywed, birthday or baby.


Do you remember Eliza, the therapist chatbot developed by MIT’s Joseph Weizenbaum in the 1960s? A primitive script, Eliza occasionally sounded like a real psychotherapist: “Why do you think you feel sad?” Watson, with its far more sophisticated natural language processing capabilities, can provide busy patients with online or phone therapy sessions. Best of all, it will remember what you said at your last session.

6What Stocks Should I Buy?

As your new Portfolio Manager, Watson can sift through SEC filings, sort through the wealth of financial news and make educated decisions on exactly where you should be investing your money. Who else has the time or patience to read those prospectus reports?

7The Louvre, According to Watson

When traveling or looking at art, relying on pre-recorded audio guides can be frustrating when they give you information that’s interesting, but provokes more questions than it answers. With Watson as your personal tour guide, you can find the answer to anything you want to know, whether you’re touring Pompeii or taking a ride up to the top of Seattle’s Space Needle.

8The Comment Police

With its ability to recognize natural language, Watson would be a pro at sorting out legitimate comments from the vitriol or spam submitted to any news Website, giving reporters and editors more time for the news.

9Watson at the OTB

Watson, which horse should I bet on? Which team is favored in this year’s March Madness college basketball tournament? What are the odds the Steelers will win the Super Bowl? Watson can sort through stats and scores to keep you from making bad bets.

10Personal Movie Critic

Don’t have time to read through piles of reviews, trying to figure out whether this weekend’s new release is actually worth your hard-earned money? Watson can sift through the critics’ dispatches and tell you what’s worth seeing&#151and what isn’t.

11Call Center

IBM has already suggested various types of tech support applications for Watson, but it’s worth reiterating. Why should companies outsource call centers to India or China? Buy a slice of Watson and it can handle all the tech support without worrying about routing users through Tier 1, 2 or 3 levels of support. It will know about outages, can get monitoring data and whether other people had recently complained about the same thing.