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While most of the attention Friday is on the client version of Apple’s latest release of its Mac OS X operating system, Tiger Server is a major event in itself. It bridges the worlds of open source, Unix and Windows, and may be the key to finally gaining Apple a foothold in the corporate data center.

Integrated into Tiger Server are a secure instant messaging server, a mail gateway with spam and virus filtering, and a Weblog server—all of which can integrate directly with corporate directory services and access control systems, including LDAP and Microsoft’s Active Directory Service.

Tiger Server plays well with Windows clients for other reasons. Apple has also included full support for ACLs (access control lists)—based on the same ACL specification used by Microsoft in Windows XP and Windows 2003. Windows users accessing files or applications on Tiger Server would see the same permissions they would have on any Windows server.

Read the full story: Tiger Server Roars, Too.

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