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Storage costs

1 - Rising Backup Costs Is a Big IssueRising Backup Costs Is a Big Issue

90% of IT survey respondents expect the price of backup and recovery to rise over the next five years.

2 - Price Model AppealPrice Model Appeal

91% of IT respondents find recovery-based pricing more appealing to their businesses.

3 - Making the SwitchMaking the Switch

84% of IT respondents said they would likely or very likely switch to recovery-based pricing if it offers the same technical capabilities as their current software.

4 - Who the Converts AreWho the Converts Are

Very large companies (91%) and companies with high data growth rates (94%) are more likely to switch to recovery-based pricing.

5 - Recovery Usage Drives ConversionRecovery Usage Drives Conversion

Companies that recover a lot of data—88% with medium recovery usage and 88% with high recovery usage—are interested in making the switch to recovery-based pricing.

6 - Tracking Is KnowledgeTracking Is Knowledge

86% of companies that track recoveries are more interested in switching to a recovery-based pricing model, compared with 78% that either do not track or only “somewhat track” recoveries.

7 - Cutting CostsCutting Costs

94% of IT respondents believe recovery-based pricing will save them money.

8 - Fair PricingFair Pricing

90% of IT respondents say recovery-based pricing is a fair pricing model.

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