Xandros, a leading Linux desktop distributor, took its time but after almost two years, the company finally launched its server operating system, Xandros Server, on April 25 at the LinuxWorld Toronto.
Rather than try to take on the likes of Red Hat’s RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) or Novell’s SLES (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server) head-on, Xandros is positioning its new server for SMBs (small-to-medium businesses) that want to cut down their Windows server management costs.
The company claims that Xandros Server is a seamless replacement for any file, print, or groupware server for enterprises and SMBs, and that it will cut workload management by 30 percent through the automation of administrative tasks.
Xandros aims Linux version at Windows users. Click here to read more.
Further, Xandros says, the server is compatible with any existing Windows domain and networking topology, making it the perfect alternative for SMBs that are looking to minimize down-time, cut support costs, increase performance, and exploit new features.
One of Xandros Server’s major selling points is that it’s meant to be a drop-in Windows Server replacement. To do this, it includes Windows networking services and tools to seamlessly migrate Windows domain accounts to Linux.
Read the full story on Linux-Watch: Xandros Debuts a Linux-Based Replacement for Windows Small Business Server