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Hewlett-Packard Co. executives on Tuesday will announce that they are going to use Advanced Micro Devices Inc.’s 64-bit Opteron processor in some of their ProLiant servers, according to a source close to both companies.
HP has scheduled a press conference for Tuesday morning in Houston to discuss the expansion of its industry-standard server line, which includes x86 systems currently powered by Intel Corp.’s 32-bit Xeon and Pentium processors.
An HP spokesperson would not comment on the details of the announcements. A spokesman with AMD, of Sunnyvale, Calif., also declined to comment.
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Contributing writer
Jeffrey Burt has been a journalist for more than three decades, the last 20-plus years covering technology. During more than 16 years with eWEEK, he covered everything from data center infrastructure and collaboration technology to AI, cloud, quantum computing and cybersecurity. A freelance journalist since 2017, his articles have appeared on such sites as eWEEK, eSecurity Planet, Enterprise Networking Planet, Enterprise Storage Forum, Channel Insider, The Next Platform, ITPro Today, Channel Futures, Channelnomics, SecurityNow, and Data Breach Today.