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Channel’s Transition to the Cloud Requires More Time

Channel's Transition to the Cloud Requires More TimeChannel’s Transition to the Cloud Requires More Time

A new survey finds that the channel’s transition to the cloud is an extended journey, and there’s still a lot of work to be done across the community.

Size of Channel Cloud FootprintSize of Channel Cloud Footprint

74% of the partners surveyed offer some type of cloud service, but only 39% said that more than half their services are cloud based, and only 15% said that more than 75% of their services are cloud based.

Commitments to On-Premises SolutionsCommitments to On-Premises Solutions

71% expect to continue delivering on-premises solutions for an indefinite period of time. Only 7% have phased out on-premises solutions; 7% expect to do that soon; and 16% expect to phase out on-premises solutions over the next three years.

Reason for Embracing Cloud SolutionsReason for Embracing Cloud Solutions

Market demand: 65%,
Competitive pressures: 50%,
Vendor influence: 25%

Customer Demand for the CloudCustomer Demand for the Cloud

55% of the channel partners surveyed said there was customer demand for cloud solutions, but only 14% said customers are ready to implement.

Customer Obstacles to Cloud AdoptionCustomer Obstacles to Cloud Adoption

Data security: 62%,
Cost of moving legacy apps to the cloud: 61%,
Lack of skills: 42%,
Overall complexity: 36%

Types of Cloud Solutions OfferedTypes of Cloud Solutions Offered

Software as a service: 48%,
Infrastructure as a service: 30%,
Platform as a service: 17%,
Cloud application development services: 6%

Top IaaS Vendors in the ChannelTop IaaS Vendors in the Channel

Microsoft: 55%,
AWS: 40%,
Other: 35%,
Google: 19%,
IBM: 11%,
Rackspace: 7%

The Roles of Cloud Channel PartnersThe Roles of Cloud Channel Partners

Managing and supporting cloud services: 70%,
Providing hosted cloud services: 56%,
Transforming/integrating systems with cloud services: 44%,
Building private clouds: 38%,
Re-engineering business processes: 21%

Number of Cloud Vendor PartnersNumber of Cloud Vendor Partners

42% of the partners surveyed are engaged with four or more cloud vendors, 18% have three cloud vendor partners, and 28% have two partners.