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You may do a double take if you are looking for the same channel bosses at Oracle or Intel or Microsoft or Juniper lately. If you blinked your eyes recently, you probably missed the fast changes, announced or unannounced, over the past few weeks and months.

So here’s a recap. Oracle lost both of its top channel executives, with one bugging out to go to another industry entirely and the global channel chief making a run up north to join an even bigger software company in a less prominent role.

Microsoft hired away that channel chief from Oracle, not to run its own channel, but to lead its Dynamics ERP/CRM channel efforts

Meanwhile, Intel still won’t confirm the names, but acknowledged some changes are under way among its own channel executives. Indeed, those rumored to have taken the early retirement packages include channel favorites Shirley Turner and Nick Davison, although the chip maker’s global channel chief Steve Dallman plans to stay.

Finally, Juniper named a new channel VP after the company’s CEO had filled that vacant role for nearly a year.

Does this mean some channel programs might be headed for a dramatic remodeling? What do you think?

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