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Remote monitoring and management
provider LabTech Software has released its latest version, LabTech 2011.2,
designed for faster speed, enhanced management functions, newly developed
reports, and improved connectivity to end-users, the company said. 

The new version, available to LabTech
partners immediately, offers the following new features, the company said:

Direct Tunneling 
MSPs can create a IP tunnel from the technician
Control Center console to any system under management, letting the technician
see the remote system as if he were sitting in front of it. 

Management Dashboards

  • A Multi-Vendor Antivirus Management Dashboard – Provides
    a centralized interface for controling multiple antivirus vendor products
    across all managed customers sites.
  • Agent Deployment Dashboard – A global interface for
    instantly viewing deployment status, this also pushes failure messaging and
    systems without agents.
  • StorageCraft Backup Management Dashboard –
    Provides real-time StorageCraft ShadowProtect stats at a glance, so you can
    view all backup job statuses and administer backup jobs across of all your
    ShadowProtect enabled systems.

Improved and Enhanced Reports
LabTech Software has added new customer-requested
reports including executive summaries, status reporting, configuration and
inventory stats.

Optimized Quick Connect Function
This function lets an end user connect with a
managed service provider’s Control Center with a single click, without installing
agents.  The request is queued to an MSP’s LabTech Control Center to wait
for attention from a help desk representative.

Hardware Inventory Improvements 
LabTech has expanded its hardware inventory
functionality using the system management BIOS (SMBIOS) to obtain detailed
hardware types, capabilities, operational status, installation date, asset tag
ID and other information about system components on a PC.  This
information can be used to help manage, support or purchase replacement
components for client sites.