IT hiring

59% of hiring managers and HR pros at technology companies plan to hire full-time, permanent employees through the rest of the year, up from 51% last year.

67% hired full-time, permanent workers in the first half of 2014.

53% plan to hire temporary contract workers for the rest of the year, up from 46% in 2013. Six of 10 respondents hired temps/contract workers in the first half of this year.

45% say temp/contract assignments have lasted longer post-recession, and 59% say they’re relying more heavily on temp/contract workers post-recession.

49% have open positions for which they cannot find candidates, a seven-point increase from the past year.

40% say there are too many gaps regarding expectations for compensation.

39% indicate that new and shifting technologies are creating recruitment challenges.

38% say they can’t bring candidates on board because the job requirements are above entry level.

33% cite training gaps or education gaps as a prime reason for recruitment struggles.

29% indicate that too many candidates simply lack the specific job skill requirements.