Technology news aggregation site Techmeme has expanded to offer its audience job listings as the tech industry ramps back up, adding a “Who’s Hiring in Tech?” column on the right hand side of the front page of the site. The company’s founder, Gabe Rivera, also wrote a cheeky blog post explaining Techmeme’s decision to launch the feature.
Some of the companies included on the site’s front page include technology powerhouses Microsoft, Google and HP, as well as social networking sites Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare. Amazon, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and Meebo are also among the listings.
The company links, which are listed alongside custom taglines (Twitter’s is “Less characters; more fulfilling”), take users to the employment and careers pages of their respective Websites. “We expect that Techmeme readers who are inclined to upgrade their jobs, or ready to embark on a career in tech, will take this jobs section as an extra nudge to explore options available at the featured companies, and a reminder that all of the great companies listed are aggressively hiring,” wrote Rivera.
For more, read the eWEEK article: Techmeme Launches Job Listings Board.